Whispers of Wisdom: Messages from Medium Bloggers Who Inspire My Journey
Week 3
Hello, everyone. Selecting my top 10 continue to be a difficult task because the bloggers I follow share remarkable stories providing insights, guidance, inspiration, and love.
So, you have a better understanding every day, I pick ten posts to read based on their titles and how they align with my feelings or what’s happening in my life. This approach helps me receive Divine messages while staying connected and guided on my spiritual journey.
Reading your post not only confirms that I am on the right path, but it also reminds me to stay strong in gratitude and celebrate my accomplishments. Your words resonate with me and provide the encouragement I need to keep moving forward.
There is a saying, “What you seek, seeks you too.” I can tell you; this is true. If I want answers to my questions, all I have to do is be in the present moment and inform my guides how I would like to receive these messages. By staying attuned to the now and practicing mindfulness, I open myself up to the guidance and wisdom the Universe has to offer. The key is to remain patient and receptive, knowing that the answers will come in their own time. This practice has brought me immense clarity and peace, reaffirming that I am never alone on this journey.
Once you initiate this line of communication, prepare yourself; angels and guides love recognition and are eager to assist. So, take out your journal, as you'll be jotting down some intriguing personal insights.
I don’t just keep a journal; I also have a trinket box for all my discoveries. These can range from coins and feathers to puzzle pieces and more. Collecting these items helps me honor my guides and keeps them enthusiastic and consistent in assisting me. By maintaining these physical tokens of my journey, I feel a stronger connection to the guidance I receive and can reflect on my progress.
Below, I’ve provided 3 links that shows you how in my personal experience the Divine is always present. Nothing is a coincidence!!
My Top 10
1. My Spirit Guides Want You To Know This
Written By: Anne Bellamy
It’s fine to feel angry, frustrated, and hurt. You are meant to feel ALL the emotions. They guide you towards what you want in life.
What’s not fine is allowing those negative emotions to become your standard way of thinking and living. Do not allow them to become your norm.
2. The Universe Is Urging You To Let Go (& Step Into Your Next Chapter)
Written By: Linh Huynh
In fact, if you can dream it, it already exists in the vibrational world — ask and it is given. You just now have to trust yourself enough to let it come to fruition in the physical world.
3. 7 Habits That I Had to Give Up to Manifest What I Wanted
Written By: Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
To not follow the path. The paths of the universe are mysterious. But it is precisely along those paths that you will reach your destination.
4. 3 Signs that Indicate You have Shifted Timelines
Written By: Shubhada
Don’t worry about not knowing or feeling uncertain. The only way through is to trust the process and more importantly yourself!
You’re being guided by your team of light and love. Let go of fear and enjoy the journey, knowing that everything is happening for your highest good.
5. You don’t have to struggle with Low-self esteem and unhealthy self worth anymore.
Written By: Empowering your Life
Loving yourself means having a personal relationship with yourself. It means knowing that you are enough, spending time alone without feeling lonely, making decisions confidently, and trusting yourself.
6. When Anxiety No Longer Runs Your Life
Written By: Nour Boustani
If I could give a struggling friend advice, I’d say: find a way to breathe in those moments of fear. Even a small shift in focus — moving toward the light or taking a deeper breath can help you relax and ease your breathing, and then you can decide what is best for you.
7. Rise, Persist, Conquer The Power of Never Giving Up!
Written By: Lost in My Soul
Challenges and failures will always be part of our journey, I don’t want to discourage you, but rather encourage you to face these obstacles that arise in our lives. Learn to see them not negatively, but as a learning experience.
8. Can Spirituality Make You See People Differently?
Written By: Bridget Webber
Seeing differently means seeing the world through God’s eyes, recognizing that God is the Creator of everything and therefore has loved the whole universe into existence.
9. What Does it Mean to be Human?
Written By: Deborah Grace 🌈
It’s the oneness that makes us human. It’s the compassion and empathy we share when tragedy and grief sneak up on us. This is what makes us human. It’s the oneness that will remain into eternity.
10. Change Your Life in 90 Days
Written By: Trishna Utamchandani
You are responsible for yourself and all that happens in your life.
Thanks for reading❤️❤️ always remember 👇Stay grounded, while life happens.