Greetings Thenubianerd,
I've always been a trigger for others, yet I had nothing material to compete with them. I was poor, quiet, and lived in my own little world. To this day, I am extremely humble in every aspect of my life, for I have no need for material things. Maybe because I am still accustomed to my upbringing or I am a true minimalist regardless I never understood it, but I came to learn about my gift and accepted it in my later years. My light shines even brighter now after my spiritual awakening. Just last week, I received a random "F-you" from a man while I was riding my bike on the sidewalk. His hate and those crazy eyes where really something that I will never forget but now I understand why; it's because they know that I know.😉
Great post!
Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you.